Course Content
This online handbook is based on Aalto University’s course Facilitating Change, held in spring 2020. Hundreds of students and professionals participated in the online course, and now the material is available for everyone for free.
All of the videos in the handbook were recorded during the course in the Spring. Each chapter consists of multiple short videos, around 10 minutes each on average, supported by additional readings. Enjoy from the first chapter to the last, or jump directly to the most interesting chapters, it is up to you!
Chapter 1: Course Content
This chapter introduces the themes and topics of change & facilitation in organizations.
Open ChapterChapter 2: Paradigms in Organizational Reality
We all have unique lenses to make sense of the world. But how do we see and interpret the organizational reality happening around us?
Open ChapterChapter 3: Uncertainty
This chapter discussed the uncertain business landscape we are living in. What can we do about it?
Open ChapterChapter 4: Organizational Transformation
What is organizational transformation? What does it require? Topic is discussed from the perspectives of an outsider, as a manager and as a leader.
Open ChapterChapter 5: Lean, Agile, Design, Lean Startup…?
Lots of buzzwords, but how to navigate them? Which one should I select to use?
Open ChapterChapter 6: The Art of Facilitation
This chapter goes into the practical side of facilitation. What is it Is, and how do you add the probability for success when facilitating?
Open ChapterChapter 7: Facilitating Knowledge-sharing with Tools
There are hundreds of tools like different canvases. How do you facilitate using them, and how do you create common understanding with people without a design background?
Open ChapterChapter 8: Meta-skills and Meta-routines for Facilitators
This chapter discussed what are the meta-skills and meta-routines for facilitators, and how can you develop them
Open ChapterChapter 9: Your Personal Style & the Archetypes of Change Agents
What are the most common 13 archetypes of change agents?
Open ChapterChapter 10: Societal Uncertainty and Skills Transformation
In this chapter, the up-skilling transformation in our society is discussed, before going over the dangers of self-leadership in organizations.
Open ChapterEpilogue: Final Words and Summary
Some last tips and tricks, final words and a short summary
Open ChapterFree tools on Facilitation, Leadership, and Transformation
List of free resources from leading organisations & experts in Finland.
Open Chapter